Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Plum Organic- Broccoli and Pears

Keigans sister picked this out for him tonight. I think she just liked the fact that she was making him eat broccoli.  Again I found it thin for him, so mixed in some rice but it's probably just the brand overall.  And we all tasted it before he did- I  really wish broccoli tasted like that when I was a kid!!
The pears overpowered the broccoli, and my daughter is claiming " no fair" that Keigan gets to eat yummy broccoli.  *Shrug* He liked it- can't say loved, since he was much more quiet than usual, but he still ate it all.  IF I do this one again, I'll feed it to him at breakfast instead of dinner, and only fix half a pouch with something else as a side.

**Update**  Gas warning.   Poor kiddo was waking himself up a bit with gas last night!  Well- it is broccoli!!

Plum Organic Blueberry, Pear and Purple Carrot

Today's offering: Plum Organics Blueberry, Pear and Purple Carrot.  He's already been introduced to all of the ingredients just a new flavor combination.  This one came in a pouch, which was new for me, and honestly I found it pretty thin for Keigan's tastes, so I added the dry oatmeal right into it and mixed until it would hang on the spoon. It passed his smell test, and took two bites for him to start the arm stretching out, then his trademark- "mmmm" He LOVED it, ate the entire pouch and it was gone in record time, and there was barely a drop left on his bib.

**Update** He has had this one three other times and has devoured it each and every time making crazy good noises.

*Keigan's note-  My friend baby "P" loves this stuff too! We make our mommies very happy by liking the good stuff!

Introducing Keigan the Critic

Having a baby who is not quite 5 months old yet who LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to eat food- I thought I'd give this a shot. I introduced solids to him around 4 months- a bit earlier than I would have liked, but this boy was ready. He was extremely interested in what we were eating, watching every bite going into our mouths. He was already a supported sitter, and eating over 25oz a day with the peanut butter poop.  And this week he has started "begging" for food.  He first tried it on a lady at the pool who was eating bright orange Doritos's.  Keep in mind this child has never seen a Dorito in his life, yet he was leaning as far toward her as he could, watching her every move, mouth hanging open and making his "mmmm...mmmm" sound.  She even offered him one, it was that obvious what he wanted.

Keigan "eats" two meals per day.  This is by choice, and yes I know that all his nutrients should come from formula at this point in his life. (I promise you he still eats a full bottle after each feeding, food is purely for play at this stage of his life, I'm just encouraging him.)  I usually do oatmeal with fruits, and rice with veggies because those flavors just seem to go a bit better together- and green beans are a side dish, not a main course!  Texture is apparently important to Keigan. Anything too runny will just get "squished" out of his mouth and dribble a bit more.  He starts each feeding session by smelling the spoon. It is hilarious, but has to be done.  I just hold it there while he breathes in and out. Then his mouth will open and his tongue comes out to take the first bite.  He hasn't refused anything yet, but some things he likes more than others.  You can tell if it is something he REALLY likes because he throws out his arms to the side like he is flying, and exclaims "mmmm...mmmmm....mmmm" in between bites, and opens his mouth really wide, leaning as far as he can toward the spoon!  And if he doesn't really care for it- then he takes his time, squishes a lot more out and won't finish. 

And lastly- All his offerings are organic- and the only meat he will get is what I make. Baby food meat is, well- canned meat. Yuck.

First solid food. Hey- this stuff isn't bad!