Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cooking with Mommy

Last night mommy was making dinner and daddy wasn't home. I got lonely, so I cried until she brought me into the kitchen with her.  She let me sit on the floor and play with my toy monkey.  I love being in there and smelling all the good stuff and chewing on my Monkeys tail. It was great. She had two burners going and the stove was clicking and there were even things piled up on the counter for me to look at, and it smelled so yummy.   Then it happened.  I grunted and a loud noise sounded from behind me. Suddenly I felt all icky and sticky and stinky too.  That just did NOT make me happy. So I started fussing and talking to her "mamamama"  (That means pick me up. I say it to whoever is around and raise up my hands and usually tit works!) 

Mommy stopped what she was doing and picked me up and patted me on the back. Then she said "ewww"  When she patted me it sloshed. The next thing I knew I was on the changing table, and she was stripping off my clothes, shaking her head and laughing. Telling me that I was her stinky little boy.  She sat me up on the changing table and said, while laughing, that there was poo all the way up to my neck and under my arms.  (I knew it felt warm back there)   She used about 20 wipes, and plunked me into the tub and out again so fast that I didn't even get to play! Then she put on a clean diaper and popped me back into the crib nearly naked. and ran back into the kitchen. I wasn't in there long until daddy came home, and she still gave me some of her dinner.